Friday, May 13, 2011

Black and Yellow....

I have that crazy-fun song in my head constantly... hence a post about the bumblebee color pairing. Put on song 12 to get you in the mood while you read this... the language can be a little tough to handle at times...Just warning ya! 

Black and yellow are about as under utilized a color combo as say black and orange is in my world. The latter screams Halloween obviously and the former makes me think of stinging, furry yellow-jackets. However, I am rethinking black and yellow and giving it a chance. After seeing some of these images, I have a newfound appreciation for the duo and when done right, albeit an interior, a photo shoot, or a chic outfit juxtaposed with a NYC cab in the background, the composition isn't as hideous but in fact lurrrvly! Enjoy. Now this song will be on your brain too.... 
Black and white with pops of yellow look elegant and refreshing on this tropical terrace.

 Oh Alessandra... Stunning in bathing suit and caution-tape-yellow vest!
photo by David Burton (trunkarchive)

I have a lot to say here, but I will it keep it sweet and charming. Adorable. 
photo by Stephanie Rausser (trunkarchive)

Ines de la Fressange (photo from Garance)

This post all started with these shoes and that darn song "Black and Yellow" by Wiz Khalifa (you can hear it on my playlist).

photo by Tommy Ton 

Andy Goodwin (trunkarchive)

Giovanna Battaglia looking chic in B & Y scarf!

Leopard Safari ring of black and yellow diamonds. A little O.T.T. but I couldn't resist. Goes with the song....
These Raybans look a little Drew Carey-ish from back in the day....

Hate to end on this note... Ew.
Enjoy the weekend ! 